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All of the people listed below donate their time and talents to MASP

Laura Johnson, BA, President

Laura Johnson is the Michigan Association for Suicide Prevention (MASP) President and has been in the prevention field for over 20 years.   She has a Bachelor’s in Human Service. Laura worked at the County level in the behavior health field over 10 years where she created the first Suicide Prevention/Memorial walk in Sanilac County, founded the Sanilac County Prevention Network and the Survivors of Suicide Support group,  Currently Laura is the founder of Mental Health Training Consultants. She is a certified instructor for both Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) and Question Persuade Refer (QPR), Laura equips participants in these internationally recognized programs to recognize, understand, and respond effectively to mental health challenges and suicidal crises. Her passion lies in dismantling the stigma around mental illness and empowering individuals to seek help when needed.



Vacant, Vice President


Vacant, Secretary


Joel Hoepfner, BS, CPC, Treasurer

Joel Hoepfner received his Bachelors of Science in Psychology as well as a teaching certificate from Central Michigan University in 1999 and 2003. He has worked in the behavioral health field for over 12 years. He is a Certified Prevention Consultant (CPC) and has held that credential since 2009 from the Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals. He became a Mental Health First Aid Training Instructor in February 2016. He is the previous chair and current member of the State of Michigan Training Advisory Council as well as the current chair of the State of Michigan Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup that operates through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Joel has a long history of providing leadership, direction, and individualized technical assistance along with state, community and agency wide trainings, workshops, and webinars on a multitude of topics for diverse audiences.




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