When the official start of Nba 2k22 Mt in the "My Career" mode, players will have to make the option of "enter the university to take part in the league", "participate in the G-League" or "participate in the NBA draft." If you decide to play in the NBA however, you will not be admitted to the university again and participate in the G-League If you decide to join the G-League however, you will be able to participate in the NBA after you have completed a year, but you will not be able to be able to return to colleges leagues.
If you decide to go to a university and you want to play in any of the three options. Thus, if a person seeks to build the most experiences, or assess the strengths of the character , it's advised to play in the college league at an beginning, then move to the G-League before deciding to join the NBA. If you have a chance to win the NCAA championship, not only will the person be awarded a new skill badge.
It will also ensure that the character can qualify for the first draft of NBA Draft, which signifies that the character will be a part of a stronger team and get higher The compensation for each game (VC Coin) also, as well as greater chance of getting to the playoffs and hitting the championship. If they are successful in dominating the college or G-League, the character can develop additional capabilities.
Inspire your curiosity increase your involvement "My brand" to draw sponsors. In addition to the "My Brand" parameters, the character will also include other "My Brand" values ? like "fashion" or "music". When the game is over or the assigned task is completed.
This The value will gain an amount of knowledge and experience. It will also raise the level. This "personal interest"-style capacity points used to attract sponsors. When the value reaches certain levels where the character has the ability to sign with the sponsor, receive additional appearance fees and buy mt nba 2k22 boost the amount of VC Coin that can be earned.